feedy – one compact device
All components of a feeding solution
Discover the revolution in flexible feeding technology with our compact device that combines all components. feedy offers you a unique combination of bulk material separation, integrated image recognition and robotics. And the best part? feedy is as easy to integrate as a classic vibratory feeder and at the same time infinitely flexible.
feedy separates the parts, recognizes them with the integrated image processing, delivers them aligned and comes to you completely parameterized if desired. After a short training session, you can easily teach additional parts yourself. feedy already has its own small robot on board and delivers the parts precisely aligned.
The robotics of feedy allow you to take your feeding applications to a new level. With high precision and speed, your feedy can grip and precisely position parts. Whether it's small screws, electronic parts or other components, feedy ensures a smooth and efficient feeding process and solves tomorrow's problems today.
If the parts are too large or too heavy for feedy, or if they need to be further processed with an industrial robot, our flexfeeder X product line is the ideal solution.
Inexpensive, fast and future-proof - feedy fulfills the dream of many production planners at an extremely competitive price.
feedy the all-rounder
Aplication examples
as feeding technology.
feedy is mainly used to feed bulk parts to automatic production processes in automatic assembly machines, robot cells, rotary transfer machines and machining centers. With feedy, you can turn single-purpose systems into flexible production centers. For your area of application, we are happy to offer you the modular assembly system shown.
your parts!
You want to be sure that your processes and parts can be reliably implemented and fed with feedy?
No problem! Just send us an email with pictures/drawings of your parts or provide us with your sample parts!
We will contact you as soon as possible and discuss your detailed application requirements.